Arushi Jain

I am fifth year Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) Ph.D. candidate with Doina Precup at McGill University and Mila, Montreal , Canada.

Last year, I was hosted by Alessandro Lazaric for internship at Meta AI Research Lab (FAIR) in Paris. I worked on learning a self-supervised framework that ties exploration and representation together in reward-free setting.

I did my Masters at McGill University and Mila, with Doina Precup. Before starting Masters, I was a Research Fellow at Microsoft Research (MSR), India in ML team, where I was advised by Sundararajan Sellamanickam . I did my Bachelors in Computer Science at IIIT-Delhi, India. There, I worked in Image Analysis and Biometrics (IAB) lab, where I was advised by Mayank Vatsa and Richa Singh.

Broadly my research interests span reinforcement learning, safety in AI and exploration.

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Highlights and News

My research focuses on learning safe reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms grounded in theory which can be extended to the real-world applications. I am also interested in off-policy RL and Constrained MDPs (CMDPs).

3DSP GVFExplorer: Adaptive Exploration for Data-Efficient General Value Function Evaluations
Arushi Jain, Josiah P. Hanna, Doina Precup
Under Submission, 2024
3DSP Towards Painless Policy Optimization for Constrained MDPs
Arushi Jain, Sharan Vaswani, Reza Babanezhad, Csaba Szepesvari, Doina Precup
UAI and RLDM, 2022
paper / short RLDM paper / code / RLDM poster
3DSP Variance Penalized On-Policy and Off-Policy Actor-Critic
Arushi Jain, Gandharv Patil, Ayush Jain, Khimya Khetarpal, Doina Precup
AAAI, 2021
paper / code / talk / slides / poster
3DSP Safe Option-Critic: Learning Safety in the Option-Critic Architecture
Arushi Jain*, Khimya Khetarpal*, Doina Precup
Knowledge Engineering Review (KER) Journal, 2021. (Cambridge University Press Journal)
Adaptive Learning Agents (ALA) Workshop, ICML, 2018.
paper / code / slides / poster
3DSP Safety using Constraint Variance in Policy-Gradient Methods
Arushi Jain
Master's thesis, McGill University, March 2020.
3DSP Safe Actor-Critic
Arushi Jain*, Ayush Jain, Doina Precup
Safety, Risk and Uncertainty in RL Workshop, UAI, 2018.
Women in ML (WiML) Workshop, NeurIPS , 2018.
paper / / slides / poster
3DSP Safe Hierarchical Policy Optimization using Constrained Return Variance in Options
Arushi Jain*, Doina Precup
RLDM, 2019.
3DSP Learning Options using Constrained Return Variance
Arushi Jain*, Doina Precup
Safety and Robustness in Decision Making Workshop , NeurIPS, 2019.
paper / poster
3DSP Safe Policy Learning with Constrained Return Variance
Arushi Jain*
Graduate Student AI Symposium, Canadian AI Conference, 2019.
Proceeding published in LNAI Series by Springer Verlag.
paper / talk
sym Reviewer, DARL, ICML Workshop ('22)

Reviewer, AISTATS ('22)

Reviewer, ICLR ('22), ML Evaluation Standards Workshop

Reviewer, NeurIPS ('18), WiML Workshop

Source code and style from Jon Barron's website.